If there comes a time when you wish to upgrade your current mobility scooter or yours is no longer suitable, you will need to decide what to do with your old model.
You may wish to give it to a friend or neighbour or donate it to another suitable cause. In which case it is advisable to make sure it is in full working order and pass on all instruction manuals, chargers etc. You may however wish to sell your current scooter to raise funds for your new model. You will achieve the best price for your scooter through a private sale.
Here are few tips and pointers as to how to do this:
You can search online for similar age and style models and this should give you a good idea of how to price yours. If you are still unsure then you can give us a call and we will
advise you as best we can.
Potential purchasers will want to know the make, model and age of the scooter. Other information they may be interested in is weight carrying capacity, ground clearance and the type of vehicle it is as well as the terrain it is suitable for. They may also wish to know the date of the last service and if the batteries are in good working order. Organising a new service before advertising will make your scooter more attractive to buyers.
Where to sell your Scooter
There is a vast array of places where you can sell your mobility scooter, a good place to start is your local free ads, Parkinsons society, MS society, Age UK as well as placing ads on local for sale notice boards or in your doctors surgery.